Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day One

The back door area
I cleaned the catchall table by the back door, the coat hooks, the bookshelf end of the computer desk, and the footstool after CPEP (ACT prep summer class) this afternoon.


Then, using my Flylady training, I set up my containers to give away, put away, and throw away.

I wiped everything down and swept behind the furniture and curtains.

Now, at least for a few minutes, I have a decent back door area.  As a bonus, when I was putting things away I found four cups, a spoon, a pair of Nica's sandals, and some of the girls' clothes.

Just what I need on the coat hooks: purse, one diaper bag, stocked and ready to go, and my school bag since I am teaching half a day and have a professional development day soon.

And tomorrow, maybe this: 

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